Monday 8 February 2016

YouTube star Zoella reaches 10m subscribers milestone

British vlogger’s videos have been watched more than 1bn times so far on Google’s online video service across her two channels
Zoella’s YouTube audience continues to grow
She may be a bestselling author and makeup mogul now, but Zoe “Zoella” Sugg is still attracting new fans on her original stomping ground: YouTube.The vlogger’s main YouTube channel has just reached the milestone of 10 million subscribers, making it the fourth British channel to reach that mark after One Direction, KSI and Adele.Subscribers have become one of the key metrics to measure YouTube channels’ success, representing fans who have signed up to receive notifications when a creator posts a new video. Youtube has given young people the opportunity to generated their own content and give other young people around the world to learns other ideas and ideologies from them.Such as KSI who is a young black male from Watford or FouseyTube from Los Angeles who both have a combined subscribers of 30 million.

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