Thursday, 3 December 2015

#1in5Muslims: Twitter mocks Sun front page with 'facts' about Muslims

The Sun front page

The internet has hit back after the Sun claimed one in five Muslims has ‘sympathy for jihadis’

After the Sun published a front page claiming one in five British Muslims had “sympathy for jihadis”, the tabloid has been hit with criticism about its polling methods and a record number of Ipso complaints.Twitter users, however, took a different tack. Using the hashtag #1in5Muslims, some much-needed humour was added as people tweeted their own made up and humorous facts about Muslims. This is a great example of NDM empowering the the media instititions as the twitter users are correcting and going against them as usual we couldnt voice our opinions like this as NDM has come we can comment and tweet or own opinions free speech.The more people talk about the more chance it will trend and the news story will be seen in a bad light and have very bad publicity. 

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