Thursday, 15 October 2015

Is Palestinian-Israeli violence being driven by social media? Palestinians surround a bonfire in Shuafat, East Jerusalem (05/10/15)

  • There has been a wave of stabbings and ad hoc gun attacks on Israelis by Palestinians since early October, and one apparent revenge stabbing by an Israeli.
  • The attacks have been centrally organised, Palestinians have taken to social media to celebrate and encourage them.
  • The staged scene, set to dramatic music, depicted two "Jews" bullying Arab children, before an Arab bystander stabs them both.
  • The clip was removed from Hamas' YouTube channel after Israel's foreign ministry complained that it glorified violence and incited more attacks.
  • Other posts praising and encouraging attacks on Israelis have also emerged on YouTube and Facebook, while Twitter hashtags including "Jerusalem Intifada" or "Intifada of the Knives" are gaining traction on Palestinian social media.

In my opinion i have seen a lot of explicit videos of young people dying and being carried to hospital.Therefore a lot of abuse has gone to Israel way by the civilians in the UK. I'am on twitter daily and see this all over my timeline and there have been the hashtags of #Savepalestine and then comments such as the scums of the earth are Israel.So by this i don't think is driving it on its probably raising awareness for others to let them know what is going on over there.As all the public on social media see are Palestine people being brutally killed.

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