Thursday, 7 January 2016

Why Twitter would be right to expand to 10,000 characters – in 10,000 characters

Would a new character limit be good news for open debate on Twitter – or would the end of brevity just be an excuse for more ads?
The BBC TV show Sherlock TV - perfect topic for a Twitter rant, Leigh Alexander argues. “Every few tweets will be from this one person, a finely-carved holiday slice of whatever potent thing they are thinking or feeling in front of their instantaneous platform with no respect for brevity...”
At last, we’ll have plenty of room to couch our situation comments in actual context. We’ve all been there before: two years ago, you livetweeted a movie. And yet, today, you get a baffled reply to one of the two-year-old livetweets from a stranger, who didn’t get your joke, or who didn’t understand what you meant.This is a good idea and a bad one as users can write a lot so opinions are seen can be understood instead of separating their content to different tweets.However 10000 characters is a lot so it may ruin the timeline as some can write and people don't have that much time to read as they are only twitter to have fun and catch up on news in a summary.

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